Current and past projects include:
Cooking Stoves and Agroforestry (gender focus)
- 1993: Designed a training project on improved mud clay cooking stoves for rural women in three villages sponsored by the Royal Bank of Canada and People to People of Manitoba.
- 1994: Designed and implemented improved mud clay cooking stoves project for South Sudan sponsored by World Food Program (WFP) and Rwandese refugees in Karagwe sponsored by United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR).
- 1995: Designed and implemented environmental training project involving ten villages in Tanzania sponsored by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Energy Saving Stoves and Tree Planting were major components.
- 2007-2009: Sustainable Energy Technologies theme project with Marquis/MCIC on agro-forestry and energy-efficient cooking stoves.
- 2009-2011: Climate Change theme project with Marquis/MCIC on agro-forestry, innovative fuel technologies and energy-efficient cooking stoves, integrated resource management and gender.
- 2012 to 2014: Development and dissemination of Jiko Matawi, improved cook stove qualified by the engineering department of the University of Dar Es Salaam and SNV.
Youth Microenterprise
- 1998: Organized a youth needs assessment workshop at MATIU sponsored by Canadian Society of Extension and evaluated the seven year TSAEE project.
- 1999-2001: Establishment of Manitoba-Tanzania Entrepreneurship Training Association MTETA
- March 2000: Coordinated a rural development exchange visit for nine Manitoba (Canada) youth to visit Ukiriguru and two chaperones from Marquis Project.
- 2001-2006: Youth and Women’s Agricultural Training Project with AIC’s International Twinning Partnership Program (Strengthening capacity and social development priorities).
- 2000 to 2005: Hosted a total of 8 youth interns from the Marquis Project on themes related to fair trade, business development, HIV/AIDS, and youth involvement in governance.
- 2012: Youth Microenterprise Development in Ngudama village supported by People to People.
- 2012-2014: Coordinated two projects focusing on marginalized rural youth: The Tangible Goals Approach with Rural Youth in Agricultural Community Economic Development in the Lake Zone of Tanzania [2012-13], Facilitating Rural Youth in Lake Zone of Tanzania to Increase Marketing Intelligence through Agro-based Community Economic Development [2013-14]; supported by The Marquis Project, CARES and MCIC.
- 2001-2006: Youth and Women’s Agricultural Training Project with AIC’s International Twinning Partnership Program (Strengthening capacity and social development priorities).
- 2006-2011: Implemented Women and Youth Agricultural Training Project in partnership with AIC’s International Twinning Partnership Program and the Canadian Agricultural and Rural Extension Society (CARES).
- 2010: Supported formation of Muwaviwa Women’s Network Association through funding from People to People and Manitoba Council for International Cooperation.
- 2014-2016: Coordinated two projects focusing on marginalized rural young women/adolescent parents: Increasing Capacity for Young Parents through Community Economic Development [2014-15]; and Single Young Mothers Gain Economic and Leadership Skills in Rural Tanzania [2015-2016] supported by The Marquis Project, CARES and MCIC).
Sustainable Production and Value Chains
- 1996: Designed an international farmers exchange project involving Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda sponsored by the Commonwealth Foundation.
- 2005-2007: Sustainable Food Production theme project with Marquis/MCIC on Post-Harvest Technologies for Sweet Potatoes Rich in Vitamin A.
- In 2008 to 2011¸ coordinated Improved Local Chicken Improvement Project in Maswa and Bariadi Districts with farmers in 60 villages (with 3 to 7 groups in each village) from Oxfam Great Britain.
- 2010 -2011: Contract for mapping the red meat value chain for the city of Mwanza for Dutch NGO, SNV.
- 2014-15: Improving Tanzanian Small Holder Farmers’ Participation in the Tomato Value Chain with support from the Manitoba Horticultural Association. Discovery of Tuta absoluta in the tomato crops near Ukiriguru.
- January 2002 to June 2003: HIV/AIDS project on peer training to break the silence with Inter Agency Coalition on AIDS and Development (ICAD), Marquis Project of Brandon MB and Sexuality Education Resource Centre.
- 2002 to 2004: Three mini-projects on HIV/AIDS funded by Inter Agency Coalition on AIDS and Development (ICAD) [1. regional workshop with Ugandans, radio personality Mama Terry and Bugando Hospital; 2. leadership workshop for youth; 3. evaluation of the project].
- 2003-2005: HIV/AIDS theme project with Marquis Project /Manitoba Council on International Cooperation (MCIC) on Breaking the Silence in Rural Communities in Tanzania.
Partnerships and Capacity Building
- 2005: Development of script and shooting of Manitoba Moments video project with Lank/Beach Productions in Manitoba and Tanzania, aired on Canadian television; explored relationships between TSAEE Lake Zone and Manitoba organizations, funded through AIC contract.
- 2011-2012: Capacity building theme project with Marquis/MCIC on Crossing the Digital Divide: Creating Information Communication Technology (ICT) Capacity in Agricultural Extension for Improved Pathways to Indigenous Knowledge in Tanzania.
- 2012-2013: Capacity building theme project with Marquis/MCIC on the Tangible Goals Approach.
Environmental Health
- 2010: Contract for malaria control at household level in Misungwi District with Research Triangle Institute.
- 2012: Coordinated contract for acaricide cattle dips for SNV – Netherlands Development Organization.