Zonal Executive

An executive committee of eight people that is elected every three years at the annual general meeting of each zone directs the organization at the zonal level. This includes the positions of chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, treasurer, publicity secretary and three additional committee members.

The Lake Zone current executive was elected in 2010, for terms ending in 2013. However, a general meeting has not been scheduled.


Lake Zone Executive Committee Chairperson and Rural Development Coordinator Ukiriguru Mr. Beny Mwenda batistabeny@gmail.com
Lake Zone Executive Committee Vice Chairperson Mwanza/Magu Mrs. Apolonia Magere apoloniamagere@yahoo.com
Lake Zone Executive Committee Honorary Secretary town We thank the late Mr. Abbas Munisi for his many years of service.
Lake Zone Executive Committee Treasurer Ukiriguru Ms. Mary Sayi mariasayi_2005@yahoo.com
Lake Zone Executive Committee Publicity Secretary Ukiriguru Mr. Ferdinand  Nkamu
Lake Zone Executive Committee Member Ukiriguru Mr. Ally Ngendello mngendello@yahoo.com
Lake Zone Executive Committee Member NA NA address

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